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朗朗中文 是为海外少年儿童设计研发的中文教学体系,分为入门、初级、中级和高级四个阶段。本课程根据海外中文教育的特点,综合考虑缺少中文语境、学习时间不多等因素的影响,科学合理地安排课程的字、词、句、篇章等内容,力求做到浅显易懂、由浅入深、生动有趣。注重培养海外儿童中文学习兴趣,全面提高中文“听说读打写”的综合能力。
朗朗中文 课程体系遵循国家汉办向海外推行的“中小学生汉语等级考试(YCT)”和“中国汉语水平考试(HSK)”的考试大纲,结合美国加州《国际语言标准》的要求,基于“以考促学,以考促教,考教结合”的原则编写,是海外少年儿童学中文、用中文和考中文的最佳课程。
Yes! Chinese is a systematic Chinese learning experience for overseas children. The courses have been divided into entry level, Beginning level, intermediate level and advanced level. It takes the regional differences into consideration and rationally allocates compositions to make it more interesting, and pays attention to the study efficiency and practicability so as to improve the overall levels of Chinese listening, speaking, reading, typing and writing.
Follows California International Language Standard and the Frameworks of YCT and HSK, and attaches the importance of EXAMINATION, Yes! Chinese is the best choice for overseas children to learn Chinese language.

- >>认读230字,175词组,会唱28首中文儿歌。
- >>学会打招呼、告别、感谢以及问候和介绍等。
- >>表达时间、数量、天气、颜色、动物、食物等。
- >>表达行为状态、用餐、购物等。
- >>提问并回答简单的问题。
- >>认读450字,300词组,会唱22首中文儿歌。
- >>精读24篇课文;泛读48篇故事性文章。
- >>掌握汉语拼音,学会电脑输入中文。
- >>介绍个人信息(姓名/性别/家庭/爱好/能力)。
- >>表达多少、快慢、距离及交通、节日、活动等。
- >>提建议、解释原因、表达要求和观点等。
- >> 四册认读600字,600词组。
- >> 综合介绍个人信息。
- >> 提计划、表达感受、做选择等。
- >> 初步了解中国历史和中华文化。
- >> 描述事件,会写便条、日记等.
- >> 四册认读800字,800词组。
- >> 了解中华文化与本土文化的异同。
- >> 了解中国地理文化(民风民俗等)。
- >> 阅读中文报刊、文学作品等。
- >> 学习中文写作,会写500字左右。
- >> Learn how to greet others, say good-bye, and thank you, as well as make introductions.
- >> Understand key vocabulary words and expressions for measurements, weather, colors, animals, food,and how to tell time.
- >> Learn expressions for daily activities, such as eating and shopping. Raise basic questions and give simple answers.
- >> Understand Chinese Phonetics (Pinyin) and how to type Chinese on a computer
- >> Make personal introductions (saying one’s name,and discussing one’s family, hobbies, and abilities).
- >> Understand expressions for numbers, speeds, dis-tances, modes of transportation, holidays, and other activities.
- >> Learn how to make suggestions, express opinions,and give reasons.
- >> Make more comprehensive personal introductions.
- >> Make plans, express feelings, and discuss choices
- >> Learn more about Chinese literacy and culture
- >> Give an event report, draft short notes, and write simple journal entries
- >> Make comparisons between Chinese culture with one’s own
- >> Obtain in-depth understanding of Chinese culture,customs, and communities
- >> Read newspaper, magazines, and Chinese literature
- >> Able to write 500+ word essays

- YCT: 中小学生汉语等级考试 Youth Learner Chinese Test
- HSK: 中国汉语水平考试 Chinese Proficiency Test
- CAWLS: 加州世界语言标准 California World Language Standards